b) If you die or lose your Patrol Token, you leave the scene and fail the mission.Age of Wushu is a MMORPG centered on a Wuxia-focused historical China. f) When you retrieve enough Information, you can go back to your school’s Intelligence Officer to gain rewards.Ī) Successfully retrieve Information, up to 20 per a patrol. e) When you defeat an exposed player, you can get Information from them. When their Exposure Value reaches over 80 they will be exposed. d) When you successfully use your Patrolling Skills, the Exposure Value of detected players will increase. You can buy Intelligence Letters for 10 liang Tael at the General Store. “See Through Evil” can be used on players from other schools, “Spy Spell” costs 1 Intelligence Letter. c) You gain 2 Patrol Skills “See Through Evil” and “Spy Spell”. b) Patrolling grants a 10% increase in experience conversion rates. b) You may only patrol 20 times per a day. Click the “School” tab at the top, and then select “School Patrol” on the left. b) You are detected and killed by patrolling players.Ī) Enter your school area, and click “N” to bring up the Mission Interface. f) Each piece of information can also be exchanged for 5 liang Coins, (maximum limit of 50 liang).Ī) Gather Information, up to 10. The maximum limit of information you can exchange for experience is 160. Each piece of Information is worth 16 experience. e) When you gather enough Information, you can go back to your school’s Intelligence Officer to gain rewards.

If you fail the “surprise attack” your Exposure Value will immediately go to 100.

The disciple has a chance to drop a token that will reduce your Exposure Value by 40. You can use “surprise attack” on patrolling disciples. d) When your Exposure Value reaches over 80, you will be detected and can be attacked by patrollers. If the skills fail, your Exposure Value will increase or you will be paralyzed. c) Players can get information from an infiltrator or by using detection skills. These skills will help you get information from offline disciples, or evade detection from patrolling disciples. c) You cannot spy on your school, or join another mission while on a spy mission.Ī) Click “N” to bring up the Mission Interface and select the “School” tab at the top, then select “School Spy” on the left b) After joining the spy mission, you will be teleported to a random location and gain 3 spying skills. b) You must be in the designated school area.

A) Your Strength reaches “First Understanding”, and you are able to drop “Novice Protection”.